Night Witches is a story of sacrifice and determination, following the true story of the first ever women to fly in combat, in the Soviet Union during World War II. Through training and deployment, Dina and her compatriots learn new ways to care for each other and defend each other against the behemoth threat from Nazi invaders, as well as from the forces of division and discontent that threaten their unity. Only in finding a way to work together can they be effective in their war.
"I Hope That You're Alright" from Night Witches
Book & Lyrics by Sam Rosenblatt, Book & Music by Stephen Wagener Bennett
Performed by Lucy O'Brien-English, Nicole Tsarouhas, Elspeth Collard, Lydia Breckon, and Enzo Veiga
"Dream for You" from Night Witches
Book & Lyrics by Sam Rosenblatt, Book & Music by Stephen Wagener Bennett
Performed by Sonya Balsara and Tess Primack
"Night Witches" from Night Witches
Book & Lyrics by Sam Rosenblatt, Book & Music by Stephen Wagener Bennett
Performed by Tatiana Wechsler and Ali Regan
"The Glory" from Night Witches
Book & Lyrics by Sam Rosenblatt, Book & Music by Stephen Wagener Bennett
Performed by Georgia Waehler